Stûv 21, a perfect pairing of architecture and fire
Stûv 21 wood fireplaces are manufactured to blend into the decor, the fire becomes the center of attraction. These modern fireplace models also feature a retractable window that can be raised or lowered for an open or closed fire.
Stûv 21 wood fireplace models have a guillotine glass window. There is no frame at the bottom to affect the view of the fire.
Stûv 21 wood fireplaces come in many sizes and are available in single or double-sided format to allow for multiple architectural integrations.
Only a delicate steel frame delimits the combustion chamber of Stûv 21 wood fireplaces, providing a wider view of the fire. The many frames and front panels of Stûv 21 wood fireplaces have been specially designed to hide the finishing materials, offer a minimalist design and add an original touch to any decor.